We build scalable web platforms in record times

Since the start, we embraced open-source fast-paced technologies, namely: React, Spring Boot, .Net. After developing more than 70 products, we transformed the lives of thousands of users.

Strong frameworks to gain velocity
Based on popular robust frameworks, our developers build complex interfaces using reusable components to allow for quick iterations and speedy development
Javascript / Typescript
React is a popular front-end Javascript library developed and used by Meta. Our developers use React to build complex interfaces with reusable components to allow for quick iterations and speedy development. React makes the code very easy to refactor and iterate on.
Spring Boot
Spring Boot
Spring Boot is an open source JVM-based framework used to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications. At Theodo we use Spring Boot to create best in class REST APIs and micro services. We love Spring Boot for its rich set of features and 3rd party libraries that enhance the developer experience and allow us to ship complex production-ready backends in record times.
.NET is the new open source and cross-platform development stack by Microsoft, developed from scratch as a replacement to the legacy .NET Framework. Thanks to our deep knowledge of the platform, we can create high quality, fast and maintainable APIs using the ASP.NET Core framework. We love using .NET because it provides a great developer experience, which enables us to deliver fast without compromises.
Case Study
Design and implementation of an insurance onboarding and retention Web platform

We worked with a multinational insurance company, present in 39 countries in Asia and Africa with more than 3,000 employees (excluding points of sale) and more than 1 billion USD turnover.

  • The platform used was obsolete, resulting in massive waste of time for the sales reps (100% manual data entry) and poor choice of product for customers
  • Difficult for marketing and sales to define a customer knowledge and retention plan
  • High attrition rate (+20%) due to increased competition

Design and implement an innovative onboarding plateform with an impeccable user experience :

  • Onboarding in less than 10 min (vs. 45-50 min before)
  • Strong reduction in manual entries
  • Personalization of products by customer

Implement a simple but holistic customer retention tool for insurance agents. The tool is focused on results (reduction of the attrition rate for each agent’s portfolio).


Fully agile methodology project with mixed team : Theodo & company’s marketing & tech team. We ran the project in one-week sprints.

Web platform for subscription to auto insurance policies
  • Onboarding compressed to 10 min with prioritization of information
  • Automation of several input fields by automatic reading of driving licence, registration card
  • Smart presentation of product offers according to customer’s profile (product matrix)
Customer retention Web platform
  • Full visibility on customers at risk of leaving and several retention levers available at click in the platform (texts, whatsapp, gifts, loyalty points)
  • Prototype (high fidelity screens) produced in 2 weeks
Improved business and marketing performance

Increased revenues per customer (thanks to smart choice of products)

  • Attrition reduced by 3-4 points in first year

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Spring Boot

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